September 7, 2009

  • Wedding Weekend

     Brittany and Josh

    It was a special weekend in Nashville!

    First for the beauty of God’s love between one of His newest couples, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wallin; but also for the miracle of one very special bridesmaid….and her equally miraculous grandmother.  Just two years ago I don’t know how many of us would have believed Hillary or my Mother could have been so beautifully in attendance for Brittany and Josh’s wedding.  But there they were!!!  God and His faithful with their intercessory prayers are amazing!  Although Hillary was exhausted from a very rough week of surgery and the challenges that circled all our lives, she insisted on standing during the ceremony as long as she possibly could.  And my Mom, who just two years ago was bed ridden for nearly a year, was so beautiful on the first row….and in high heels!  And not to be out shined, my “just turned 90 Dad”, was so handsome and beaming as he sat in between my mother and me.  

    There are many more pictures to come, but for now, introducing Josh and Brittany Wallin:


    Mr and Mrs Joshua Wallin with “The King” 


    Bridesmaid Beauties and friendship personified    



    My Gorgeous Parents–Harold and Jessie (Maw) Gilbert with our cousin Sheridan Griffin





    Paul and his Three Sons– Alex, Josh and Billy   (Celebrating the men out number the women in our family now)


    Darlene, Paul and Shawn.  We always know how to make him blush!


    Thank you for staying on this journey with us…on the scenic route!




    Vance quickly said, “Let’s get this party started!”


    With electric flashing light glasses and a great DJ, Vance was on “Rockin’ Go” all night long


August 28, 2009

  • As they say in the South “Bless her heart!”

    We Southern women know just how to say it….especially when we use the phrase “bless her heart” right behind speaking less than favorably about another woman’s behavior…choices, etc.  But this time the phrase is full of all the sincerity this Southern mother can offer.  Hillary is heading to surgery once again, but this time just three days before she had hoped to walk down the aisle (cane free) for her sister Brittany’s wedding.

    When Hillary visited her doctor this week to begin the refill process for her baclofen pump (the implant pump to control spasticity) Veronica, Dr. Konrad’s nurse practitioner, was unable to find the crucial portal which removes– then refills– the liquid baclofen.  After many, many tries at inserting the needle, scraping poking and sliding all around the pump, Hillary was sent to xray to pinpoint the portal’s location.  Hillary had been such a trooper though it all.  When we returned hoping to wrap up the process, we were told the rough news that the pump had flipped internally on her and Dr. Konrad would have to do surgery within days.  The pumps alarm will begin going off on Sunday morning, but that will be the least of problems if her baclofen is not refilled within days.

    So our girl will have to be in surgery on Tuesday morning, and then try to rally for the wedding festivities which will begin on Friday evening.  Bless her heart!!!  The great news in this is that Hillary has remained positive and hopeful through it all.

    Please pray for Hillary’s quick and safe recovery and for our guidance as we determine next steps for her in the coming days.  And of course anyone who knows the stress of weddings will understand our extra prayer request for all our family as we arrive on “Wedding Week” in Nashville.



August 21, 2009

  • Don’t Text and Drive

    Hillary is our family’s hero and it’s not just because she has worked so hard to get well.  She is our hero because she wants to be a beacon and force of support for banning texting while driving. If you have run into her while shopping over the last many months, you know she will quickly tell you not to be “inTEXTicated” while driving as she had been. (Early on when her speech was so slurred and she spoke so quickly, we had reminded her most people might think she was saying “intoxicated” when she said she was “inTEXTicated”.)   If you’ve seen her out you also know when your quick visit comes to an end she will leave you saying,  “Wear your seatbelt…I was an idiot and didn’t wear mine!”  And no doubt when you head on your way you tell yourself you will never text and drive again.  (Sadly, even though we are living the aftermath of the dangers of texting while driving, I have to force myself to turn my BlackBerry off on the road to ensure I won’t peek at an incoming message.)


    You may have just become aware of the controversial public service announcement now airing on TV in Great Britain which graphically demonstrates the danger of texting and driving.  In fact, the thirty minute public service announcement is so graphic, YouTube has flagged the video as unsuitable viewing for anyone under the age of 18.  The commercial shows three young women texting to a friend while driving down the highway.  As the driver continues to text, she unknowingly moves into the wrong lane and hits an oncoming car killing at least one of her passenger friends.  Another car then hits both crashed cars and kills a young father.  The immediate aftermath of the crash and emergency transport activity is visibly and emotionally horrific to watch.  But Hillary will tell you, “Watch it!”  She will tell you to let your young drivers (and soon to be drivers) watch it.  Our girl will say, “Insist your successful businesswomen and businessmen colleagues and friends watch it.!”  She (and we) hope perhaps watching this painful film will dissuade us all from the instant gratification we get on discovering that next BlackBerry or iPhone message that just came in while we are barreling down the highway to get to our next stop.  And yes, it’s hard not to look…turns out we are addicted!  Research has recently proven we get a little shot of dopamine (the feel good internal chemistry we humans crave) every time we receive a text message—which explains why we just can’t seem to stop peeking at these short little update messages while we are driving.  And if that’s not enough, we now know our driver reaction time while texting is nearly 27% delayed than that of a driver under the influence!  A texting driver is more likely to be in a crash than a DUI driver! 


    So please help Hillary and our family spread the word: “Driving while inTEXTicated ruins lives!”  Technology continues to grow at an overwhelming rate.  Fortunately some of that new technology is the very thing that is turning Hillary’s life around, i.e., Bioness and other cutting edge therapies.  But with growing technology comes the dangerous use of that technology on the road.  Perhaps that is why Vanderbilt’s Director of Trauma, Dr John Morris, always reminds his audience the disease of trauma is the fastest growing disease in our nation and the number one killer of people in the prime of their lives.


    Hillary’s TBI (traumatic brain injury) or as she calls it “DBI” (damn brain injury) surely did not happen because God wanted her to be a beacon guide for prevention.  Our family doesn’t believe God causes such things to happen.  It was Hillary’s own youthful belief in her invincibility and her own behavior of texting while driving that changed all of our lives forever.  That said, her positive and steadfast belief in God and His direction for her life is the most powerful of all outcomes from her crash.  And Hillary believes she has a story to tell to all of us.  It began with a dangerous text message while driving; instantly connected her to three Angels that stayed with her as she lay nearly dying on the side of the road that day– to the proof that God and His love and our world of friends’ prayers carry us even through the long trauma journey ahead.   


    Still….Please don’t be inTEXTicated! 







    Something Hillary took for granted pre crash!  She hasn’t been able to put both hands behind her head in two years.  Check out that smile!





    And if you know Vance then you know his personality is sooo different from our other grandson!  With righteous indignation to the absurdity of texting while driving (touched with sweetness and kindness and a little fear), we can just see Vance saying,  “Are you kidding me Daddy/Mommy/ Anybody???!!!!   You text and drive?!?!?”    How this little guy loves his Aunt Hillary!!!


                         “Please don’t be inTEXTicated!”


    (Thanks for the precious picture Scotty!)

August 10, 2009

  • Monday, August 10th–Another Chapter

    We are thrilled to tell you Hillary is in Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital.  After slowly increasing her dosing of pump meds to reduce the tone she has in her left arm and leg, her medical team decided they should set things in fast forward motion and up her doses every day in rehab.  With that capacity she is taught how to physically manage the change (and new found flexibility) by receiving multiple therapy sessions per day.  And has it EVER paid off!  Within two days she was able to walk without her cane; though it will take a little longer to be completely cane free.  She is preparing to walk down the aisle as Maid of Honor in her sister’s wedding….escorted by her precious son.   He is thrilled about the possibility that the cane is hitting the dust and has been practicing with me trying to get her pace down.  When I first showed him the tempo she was walking he said, “Well that’s just like every bridesmaid walks!”  

    Hillary is exhausted as you can see in her eyes…but she is thrilled to see the daily progress she is making.

    More to come!……and thank you for your continued prayers for our girl and this family. 




April 3, 2009

  • Hillary’s continued journey…. April 3, 2009

    I was fortunate enough to get to spend a couple of days with my precious little sister and I wanted to share a few pictures and progress reports with each of you.


    Hillary came to Nashville to meet with Dr. Peter Konrad, her brilliant (and Mom would say, “Most Precious”) neurosurgeon.  He was extremely pleased with her progress and is ready to take her healing a step further. As he said, “We are going to whittle away at her challenges….one piece at a time.”  In April he will conduct a Baclofen injection trial with the goal of installing a continuous feed Baclofen pump one week later if all goes well with the trial.  The best way to describe what the pump will do is to begin with an explanation of our own “communication system” between a normal brain – (LOL whatever that is) and our spinal cord.  Essentially, our brains communicate with our spinal cord (and cord back to brain) to remind our bodies to “sit erect…stand erect”, etc.  If not, we would be “blobs on the floor” as Dr. Konrad says.  In Hillary’s case, and likely because of static from electrical neurons trying to connect but missing in some ways, her brain keeps saying, “Tighten up on the hand…Tighten up on the left foot….Something is not right here so just do more of it!!!”   Therefore, she over compensates for the misfires and she has what is called spasticity or increased tone to her left wrist/hand and her left foot and ankle.  Consequently oral muscle relaxers are administered in an effort to relax the spasticity. The down sides from these medications are sleepiness, cloudy thinking, and frankly they just don’t do a great job of correcting the problem.  With a direct injection into the spinal column (and core of the deficiencies) the chemistry sets up the right communication and therefore better relaxation and consistency to eliminate the tightness of muscles.  And the elimination of the oral muscle relaxers should have multiple benefits in helping Hillary with improved cognitive clarity.


    Additionally, Hillary has begun therapy with a new device called a Bioness on her hand and on her foot.  Her hand immediately improves when wearing the device and her pace of walking was improved in the first session by over 300%.  As she continues the therapy and based on what scientists now know about the plasticity in our brain, the residual affect is expected to carry over in improved physical performance even when the device is off.  Of course the improvements do not come over night. But the more she uses the device, the more the bridging and connecting of neurons continues—like compounding interest on her progress.  And the more her brain makes physical connections the more the brain builds cognitively.


    After seeing these exciting new strategies for her future, Hillary and I were off and on our way to a Girl’s Night Out!!  We were going to meet Amy Bowland, Ashley Matthews, McCall Yancy, and Brooke Robertson.  So it was DEFINITELY a Paducah reunion happening in NashVegas.  The good news was Hillary recalled most of the girls we were meeting from her childhood, etc.  She was very excited to get out on the town.  When we arrived there was a set of stairs nothing short of the Titanic’s staircase.  I was so nervous for her but I knew that she just had to climb the stairs on her own. Hillary climbed the stairs and she climbed them well!  I looked over and Hillary was stepping one foot… on one step… at a time.  This is a much faster and a more “normal” approach to walking up the steps and I am so proud of her and her PROGRESS.


    The restaurant was very crowded and noisy.  However, it didn’t bother Hillary one bit.  She never once shut down.  (Months ago we would look over and see Hillary with her head resting down on her fisted hand in what we referred to as “shut down mode”.   Thankfully we haven’t seen that in quite a while.  PROGRESS!!!!! 


    After dinner we headed back to my house.  She was going to sleep on her old mattress.  I know weird, right?  Well, I have always looooved her mattress so when it was just sitting in storage I felt that it needed some time in Nashville.  Since Hillary was spending the night I thought she would love the chance to sleep in HER BED!  I woke up around 2:30am to her snoring and then again at 5am.  I figured it was a sign that she was sleeping great!


    The next morning Hillary was sitting in my car waiting for me to take Vance to daycare.  I got in and I asked, “Did you sleep well on your bed?”  She replied, “Yes.”  I had mentioned to her that she snored and she missed the whole point of my comment.  I wanted her to realize how well she had been sleeping.  Anyway, four hours later she looked at me and said, “I can’t believe I snore….ewww!”  I was thrilled at her comment, because it proved she was remembering something that was short term.  This has been a huge challenge for Hillary but it is getting better all of the time.  I say it is just another sign that she WILL have her life back!  PROGRESS


    I have decided whenever Hillary is around I act as if nothing has changed as much as possible.  We both try to act just like we would have two years ago.  So with it being Spring Break and sticking to our “normal routine” I said, “Hillary I think we should try the tanning bed today.”  Hillary, as many of you know, can get as brown as a berry.  She has always loved to be tan.  It makes her feel better.  I mean a Coltharp girl’s motto is tan fat is better than white fat!  I asked her if it went okay and she said it was “perfect!” 


    The reason I am telling you about our tanning experience is for what happened later.  Hillary and I were driving back to Paducah early that evening and she looked at me and said, “I can hardly wait for Mom to say ‘Honey, I can tell you have been in the tanning bed…’”  I cracked up laughing and called my Mom immediately.  I told her what Hillary had said and how funny it was that she remembers Mom’s opinion of her daughters and the tanning bed…since she is an employee of the American Cancer Society.  It was great to see and hear Hillary recalling her past moments with Mom just being mom to us.  It was also another short term event that she remembered it happened and made a joke about it hours later J  PROGRESS!


    I also took Hill to get her nails done while I called on salons.  I dropped her off and told them to call me when she was ready to be picked up.  When I arrived Hillary was telling everyone in the salon to wear their seatbelts.  She also had the entire room captivated as she shared her story of the three Angels that God sent to save her on the side of the road.  And just for the record….that story, what they looked like, what the Angels said to her….every bit of it has remained the SAME story since Hillary began speaking again. 


    So once we arrived to Paducah we had to run by Wally World (Wal Mart).  I dropped Hillary off at the door.  She and her “temp” aka 4 prong cane headed in the front door.  I parked the car and followed in I thought behind her.  As I entered Wal Mart I could not see my sister anywhere.  I asked the guys standing by the carts if they had seen a young girl…..before I could get any more of my question out one of the men said, “Oh yeah….that’s my sweet heart!….she took off!”  Well I would say she did!  I could not see her ANYWHERE!  How fast do these electric shopping carts go these days?


    So I headed up the grocery middle isle and decided to just stay put.  This place was a little crazy on a Saturday.  Sooner than later I hear and see her coming.  She says, “Hey!  I have to go get fettucine alfredo and then I will be back”  I was like okay I will just sit right here.  Then up walked a dear friend of mine Shannon Livingston (who was giving birth the NEXT DAY I might add) and then we hear someone say, “Hey Hillary”  Hillary then follows with a “Hey Honeybun!”  Shannon and I were cracking up.   This girl is PRICELESS…..

    She is so amazing!  


    Hillary is definitely here for a reason.  She is a modern day testament to the miracles that God can do for us.  She is one of my best friends in the world.  While I will probably never have her back just as she was before the accident….I have her!  She talks, walks, yells, cries, laughs and loves so deeply…..and is finally even beginning to sing from time to time.


    I have so many other stories that I could share about my precious and feisty sister.  But I know we are all very thankful for her feistiness ….IT IS what is making her FIGHT!!!!!!!


    I hope you enjoy the pics and understand the little side notes with each J


    Also, my precious Billy that Mom claims is the BSILE, made a video for his girl.  I made the decision that I was going to post it for you.  I think it will show such relevance to how far she has come.  Then the pics will show this year (where the video leaves off).  I will be willing to take any heat thrown my way because THIS IS OUR LIFE and this is a tragic event that as a family we have all tried to turn positive. 


    *****Video will be on here by Monday….I can’t figure it out :(   sorry


    So I do have a special prayer request.  Since there could be as many as 1500 hits on this post then I think this will work. 


    Dear Lord

    Please be with Hillary through her travels to and from her Therapy sessions in Nashville.  Also, God give her the patience, will, and strength to succeed with the Bioness program.  We also pray that she will continue to get well and we are prayerful and hopeful for a 100% recovery.


    If other prayers come to your heart for my parents, her caregivers, her son, etc….feel free to ask God to be with each of them.


    Again, thank you each for your love, support, and prayers.   Please let everyone know that I am going to try to continuously post at least once a quarter so that you can see and hear of all the PROGRESS!!!!  

January 3, 2009

  • Happy 2009 to Our Friends and Family!

    Happy 2009 to Our Friends and Family!




    We wanted to share an update with you because we have so much to celebrate.  Early 2008 brought Baby Vance into our lives and he will be celebrating his first birthday in January.  Hillary is absolutely crazy about him as are the rest of us.  He is such a happy baby and so much so that Ashley once called me and said, “Mom, I know I was so horrible growing up but PLEASE don’t wish a terrible baby on me just because I deserve it.”  I said, “Honey…I would NEVER do that!  You were a great baby….just a terrible teenager.  The “wishing on you” regarding Vance is coming later.  Enjoy!”  (Though it is impossible for us to believe he will ever be anything but perfect.)   Ashley and Billy are wonderful parents and its fun to watch these two special people learn to adjust to parenting.  Though Ashley was sure she raised our kids for us, I think she’d tell us now this round is a little more complex than her first rodeo in “raising her siblings”.



    Hillary continues to be our miracle as she improves every week.  In some ways this year of her recovery feels like it began only yesterday; yet in other ways it seems like it began a life time ago.  In November our girl moved into a brain injury residential facility (which is practically in our neighborhood).  While the move was very hard on her at first, she is finally settling in and trying to understand her time there is necessary and a step in the right direction for optimum therapy and healing.  In some ways it is hard on her because we are so close by.  But the facility is the right place for her without a doubt.  Traumatic brain injury is a 24-7 rehabilitation process, and Paul and I were becoming more of a crutch than what was best for her progress. Hillary’s son visits and every time he comes home for a visit we see pieces of his radiant smile coming back.   A friend and caregiver of Hillary’s said it is plain to see our grandson’s weekends at home make up for his time away and unable to view her progress first hand..  We pray that is the case.  He is soooo happy his mommy is finally at her new place, because to him, it is the proof of progress.  It gives him the belief that some day she will be back to the life they knew before. While their lives are no doubt changed forever, we are grateful for the outcome.  We have our Hillary with no vision problems, no headaches, no hearing loss, no seizures, and no pain.  And though she still struggles constantly with her short term memory, it is getting so much better every day.  The challenges on her left side will hopefully be resolved with a new therapy which uses electrical impulses to “splice” the missing links between her brain and muscles to begin the process of complete hand and foot control.  She will begin that therapy right away in Nashville. We still look at her sometimes and can’t believe this has happened and we can’t imagine how hard it is on her as she “wakes up” more and more to face her challenges.  Yet every day she finds a way to let her smile transform someone and light up a room with her beauty.  Thanks be to God…and as Hillary will tell you, also to the Angels that saved her by the side of the road.   


    Alex finally became legal turning 21 in August.  He celebrated in text book fashion with his sisters and their guys in Nashville.  He’s in his third year at the University of Louisville and working long hard hours at UPS in the brutal midnight to morning hours.  He’s got a great attitude about juggling both work and school and we are proud of him for the under taking.  The Louisville professors are learning a great deal from him, of course. LOL!  We are celebrating six months without Al totaling one of the cars…..though last weeks wreck was just a fender bender.  In truth, we are so grateful he has found his way to safety through all his wrecks and are pretty sure Hillary’s Angels are there for him too. 


    Brittany and Josh are engaged and we are thrilled to have sweet Josh in the family.  He’s been around long enough that there should be no surprises as he tries to settle into life as a part of this crazy family.  As we watched Josh help our oldest grandson put together his toys all Christmas Day, we realized once more just how blessed we are by the choices Ashley and Brittany have made for husbands.   


    Paul and I realize for the first time in our lives we are truly empty nesters.  (Well, except for Boomer, of course)  It’s so unbelievable to us to look at each other and realize sometimes we really don’t have anything we absolutely HAVE to do for the first time in our lives. (Except pet Boomer Paul reminded me)   It feels pretty wonderful!                                   

    It also feels really wonderful to have you in our lives.  We are eternally grateful for your prayers and your love  and we know it is the very thing that has brought this family through the hardest year of our lives.  You have moved mountains to a miracle that many thought was impossible 16 months ago. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


    Happy 2009 and much peace,  love , and joy!



    The Coltharps

October 8, 2008

  • Over the last few days and weeks we have received so many notes from our friends about Hillary….and about our journey as a family “on the scenic route”.  And it is true so many of you are a part of our daily bright spots and low spots that you know more than you should have to shoulder of the sweet and the ugly stops along that route.  But we thank you beyond words for the “pieces of this” you continue to carry for us.  What would we have ever done without you?!?!  And it would seem all roads continue to take us back to Vanderbilt; beginning with the friends we have made there, to the professional expertise we continue to receive and celebrate every day of our lives.  This last month has been no exception. Hillary made her way back to visit with her LifeFlight team and 10 North’s Trauma nurses and doctors. And finally fulfilling a long time promise, her son arrived at Vanderbilt’s helipad where he donned a LifeFlight helmet and sat inside the very vehicle that transported his critically injured mother.  It has been a celebration beyond anything we could have hoped for just over a year ago. 


    We couldn’t stand for you to not “be there” with us as it has always been your intercessory prayers for God’s love and protection that has brought her (and all of us) through the many stages of trauma survivorship. 

    In many ways we are coming onto the last stages of the recovery process for Hillary.  We know the challenges and blessings of her accident will always be a part of our lives….though most of it now is hers to bear.  She is scheduled to enter a program for reentry into society and her community and this is the place we will now have to go our separate ways for a while.  The goal of her next program is complete independent living and no woman and mother could be more ready than Hillary for this important passage to begin.  We don’t know if the program will be one month or six, but we will be waiting for her when she is ready to take the world on again.  If you read on I think you will see she’s made a pretty good start already.

    Thank you again for the changes you have made in our hearts forever.  We never want to miss the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to us….. but most of all to Hillary and her son.




    TOC3_Copy41166 Coltharp210_Copy41165

    For the entire House Organ issue on Trauma



July 4, 2008

  • The Coltharp Family thanks you for your prayers, love and concern.  You have been some of the most significant “pages” in Hillary’s recovery story and journey.  We will be forever grateful.  The best thing we could offer back to you in a gift of thank you is to show others in the same situation what you did for our family.  Trauma cannot be described to anyone who hasn’t experienced it.  But tonight, too many people know exactly how our friends feel as they hold the hand of their critically injured son who was in a horrible car accident this morning on his way to work.  And in another city, a family we love is by the bedside of their daughter who was severely injured in a bus accident last week on her way to a mission trip in Florida.  The thing each family of trauma shares is how perfectly normal life was just minutes before the worst thing in their lives occurred. No one is really prepared. All any of us can do is pray and support each other as you have so amazingly done for our family. And now we ask for your prayers for these and the ones to come.

    Due to petition for court order this site will end with an announcement of a new program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center–Trauma Survivors Network– which in many ways has been enhanced and inspired through your loving support of our injured angel.  And to be sure, every note, every prayer and every page of this site has been printed and archived by Xanga for our girl to read over and over again.  Her story goes on. We thank you for Hillary’s Independence Day as she walked out of her wheelchair and back to her life.  Ending this leg of our journey and transitioning pieces of her story to a different place for all trauma survivors only opened our eyes to how far she has come and how much closer to “normal” our lives are now.  You have put a family completely back together again.

    Thank you for the prayers that bring ordinary miracles for our girl every day.



    Launching this month

    Vanderbilt Trauma Survivors Network 


June 24, 2008

  • Firsts are truly exciting for us!

    It’s our first week of summer (because our favorite resident just got home for the summer….with significantly more time scheduled for home than away), Hillary took her first dip in the pool and I am on my first train ride.  Oh and her son has his first practice and game all in one week…something he has longed for since being away from his long time friends.  He’s also here for the first Birthday party he’s been able to attend with his friends since last September having missed “waaaayyyy too many” in his words.  He’s now saying “Yippee Skippee”, too

    (Oh yes, and Boss Kevin– I think I’m going to have to take my first ever two week vacation off, if that’s OK.)  Double Yippee Skippee!!

    I have been away from home for too long and I can hardly wait to get there.  Hillary and I have been text messaging all day and it’s so great to read her sweet notes.  She is so happy to have her son home—as are we ALL!  And he absolutely cracks all of us up as Hillary mothers him and he says, “Wow!  That’s awesome Mom!…..You are doing exactly what you should….getting after me when I’m not being very good.”  What a sweet and old soul that kid is!

    Hillary is really just getting back into the swing of things after her visit to Nashville.  BSILE (Best Son-In-Law Ever, Billy) told us a story from her visit.  She was out with friends at Virago and feeling pretty blue with her circumstances….particularly the wheelchair.  At some point the group asked her if she’d like to lose the wheels and sit at the table with all of them.  They sort of kept the chair out of site and “like a switch, says BSILE and Jim” she was the old Hillary and teaching all of them to use their chopsticks.  They cannot get over the change and it will be a lesson for all of us for the future.

    We hope to continue to be able to update you about our injured angel’s journey through this site.  We hope the contents and images along with prayers continue to uplift not only our circle, but other trauma survivor families who continue to share their stories with us as they visit Hillablog.  Our family is excited to be a part of a new resource coming soon to Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and through that, Hillary’s journey will continue to be a much needed story for families who need to see the light at the end of the tunnel of trauma crisis.  (More on that later)   And I’m sure there will come a day when her pages and story (and pictures) will be quite different and much more typical of the sites one can find all over the internet on MySpace and Facebook.  But for now, we are very proud of this site and you… and all Hillary and her son and our family and friends can do to support others in need of hope after trauma.

    Thanks for staying with us until we could get back to you with another update.  We still feel your prayers of support in every way!

