Month: September 2010

  • Happy “Re-Birthday” Hillary–Three years today

    It was three years ago tonight when Hillary had her terrible car crash.  I’m so thankful that we didn’t know then what I learned just last week from Hillary’s neurologist: At the time she had only a 5% chance to live.  I didn’t know then just how hard life would be for her or for our family.  But that night I gave her to God and He has been slowly and carefully (steadily) giving her back to me….to us….ever since.  As so many of you said today, “She has come such a long way!” 

    We have finally put the old family houseboat back in the water this summer and it has been wonderful for everyone…each in a different way.  But most of all, I think it has given Hillary a real sense that life is somehow coming back to “normal”–which can only mean she is getting better.  She is climbing the ladder (with help) to the top and she rides but also drives the wave runner –always with a buddy right behind.  She has begun hippo therapy to improve her gait, and once overcoming her fears when getting on the horses, she sincerely has a great time there.

    Just recently, Hillary was awarded a grant to allow her independency with her very own construction project and ultimate apartment….but within safe distance of her family until she is ready to move on.  The area director for the grant had suggested Hillary write a letter to the decision committee expressing her interest and goals around this incredible opportunity.  I believe she must have written the letter in cursive, because I was unable to find it today.   I wanted to share her beautiful words tonight in honor of her three year survivorship.  While I can’t remember all she said, I will never forget the way she began the request.

           “I was born on November 17th, 1980…….and again on September 1st, 2007″  

    I know she spoke about the three angels that had stayed with her that night on the side of the road, and about her desire to (quote) “return to ‘me’…to work and to take care of my son”   I also remember at the time we were working on the grant package, Hillary had moments of concern stating she wasn’t completely sure she was ready to make such a move. She felt she wasn’t physically strong enough to “make it on her own” in this transitional independent living space.  With that, Paul had said, “You may not be ready right now, Honey, but within the four months it takes prior to the awarding of grants, to the one year the grant covers for distribution, you will be well enough and ready for this.”  And he was exactly right.  She is not only physically ready for this change, but she is emotionally ready and thrilled about it.  Construction may begin any day!

    We have learned so much in these three years.  Our family and friends and the circumstance of TBI itself have taught us patience, strength, true sorrow, and the meaning of changed lives–some good changes and some unimaginable.  But most of all the last three years have shown us God’s capacity for miracles, grace and love. 

    To our beautiful daughter, sister, mother and friend–

    Happy 3rd “Re-Birthday” Hillary!